StrivePD is your care companion.

The Apple Watch and mobile app are designed with and for people with Parkinson’s who strive to live well with Parkinson’s disease.

Track what makes you feel better or worse.

Logging onto StrivePD is quick and simple. Track your symptoms, side effects and other triggers. Take notes; everything is timestamped and easy to read.

patterns easily

Reflect daily
with ease

Capture logs
with simplicity

Receive insight reports to empower your care.

Insight reports summarize all your StrivePD data, helping you communicate patterns and trends to your care teams. They highlight trends in your symptoms and mobility metrics.

Receive a
printable format

Get a digestible

Capture trends and

Track your Parkinson's physical activity goals.

Exercise is a key behavior that can slow disease progression, and enhance your quality of life. StrivePD uses evidence-based exericse goals and feedback to encourage movement and well-being.

Integrate with
Apple Fitness

Exercise with
PD goals

Stay motivated
and consistent

Never miss a medication.

StrivePD reminds you to take your medications and adjust your schedule when your routine changes.
Set up medication schedules and reminders in a few simple steps.

Get Smart

Log with voice
or touch

Track your

Monitor your tremor and mobility easily.

StrivePD records your tremor and mobility data consistently when you wear your Apple Watch and keep your phone in your front pocket.
Regular logging reveals unique patterns, showing how routine changes can improve your well-being.

Wear your
Apple Watch

Keep phone in
your front pocket

Monitor your

Be proactive. Be in control with your Parkinson' journey.

"Every time someone with Parkinson's visits their neurological team, there is difficulty in trying to answer that simple question: How have you been feeling since the last visit? There is just so much information that needs to be conveyed....

Enter StrivePD, which provides a summary using real world data that often does a better job of answering that very question than even I, a fairly knowledgeable patient, can. With StrivePD's summary reports (whether it be their tremor and dyskinesia data to their gait summaries to their medication data) I am able to present the information in a much more actionable way than I could before."

Benjamin Stecher

Author, advocate, and person with Parkinson's (diagnosed in 2013, at age 29)

"StrivePD makes a huge impact on my life. I get my medicine on time every time, but best of all my husband no longer needs to remind me to take my meds. It makes me more independent, and removes a burden from my husband. In addition, I am more responsible about completing my goals. Making a checkmark next to each goal is like giving myself a gold star. I can document concerns, which is compiled into a weekly report and emailed to me. It’s a great summary for me."

Betty S.

Diagnosed 7 years ago

"This is fantastic. I've never seen anything like this. This is a powerful tool for managing the complexities of living with PD."

Laura M.

Diagnosed 10 years ago

"The beauty of this app is that every person’s experience is different yet the app can be adapted for just about any need!"

Nancy L.

Caregiver to aunt

Get started with StrivePD

Download the app on App Store today