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Davis Phinney Foundation: StrivePD - Using Wearable Devices to Help you Live Well Today

Davis Phinney Foundation recently published a blog post featuring StrivePD. Read the article here:

“Every time someone with Parkinson’s visits their neurological team, there is difficulty in trying to answer that simple question: How have you been feeling since the last visit? There is just so much information that needs to be conveyed.

“Enter StrivePD, which provides a summary using real world data that often does a better job of answering that very question than even I, a fairly knowledgeable patient, can. With StrivePD’s summary reports (whether it be their tremor and dyskinesia data to their gait summaries to their medication data) I am able to present the information in a much more actionable way than I could before.” –Benjamin Stecher, author, advocate, and person with Parkinson’s (diagnosed in 2013, at age 29)

"I have been using StrivePD with my patients since it was first launched. I utilize it early in PD to equip patients with a tool which allows them to understand how medications and physical activity affect their Parkinson’s symptoms. This powerful device empowers patients to take control of their disease. As Parkinson’s progresses and patients develop motor fluctuations, StrivePD becomes an even more valuable tool which helps me personalize the care plan for each patient. The watch detects the difference between rhythmic tremor and the more flowing irregular movements associated with dyskinesias. No two patients are alike. Each PD patient has unique symptom patterns. The biometric data captured by StrivePD provides objective information regarding the timing and intensity of tremor and dyskinesias. This data allows providers to precisely adapt the treatment regimen to reduce off time and dyskinesias. PD care should be highly personalized. StrivePD is an incredible tool which helps me deliver this personalized care. I highly recommend StrivePD to all of my Parkinson’s patients and I would encourage providers to utilize this tool in their practice." Said Dr. Jennie L. Davis, DO from Maple Valley Movement Neurology.